Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague
Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague ( hereinafter Caritas) is a church-based, non-profit organization registrated by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic in 1996.
Caritas follows the principals of Christian morality, helps those in need irrespective of their race, religious affiliations, or political views.
Caritas provides social and health services in Prague and Central Bohemia.
Caritas offers assistance to those who have found themselves in a life burdening situation, or in the margin of society – namely parents (mothers and their children), the handicapped, seniors, the homeless, orphans, victims of human trafficing, victims of domestic violence, and migrants. Caritas holds its theri client´s´ hand on the path to autonomy nad and help them with their integration to society.
One of the most significant areas where Caritas Prague provides services, includes humanitarian and development aid and cooperation. The least fortunate children, families, and communities are supported in terms of education, healthcare and local development, so that they can one day reach and sustain a reasonable quality of life without international intervention.
Professional and volunteer-based parish Caritas represent another part of the cCaritas help network of helpwithin the Caritas. There are 39 parish Caritas, providing all kinds of social services including shelters, halfway houses, personal social assistance, home care and professional social counseling.
Tel: +420 224 246 573